Lucas A


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Q+A with Lucas A

1.) How did you find the experience of using the disposable camera? Enjoyable or painful?
I had fun! I found myself trying to ration the shots as I could have ran around shooting everything I saw.

2.) How did it make you feel not being able to see the photos as they were taken and not being able to edit or know what the photos turned out like?
I shoot film normally so I am used to it, its one of my favorite things about taking photos.

3.) From your roll of film what was your fave image and why?
My favorite photo was probably the one of the “not in service” train, it was really grainy and kind of gave off the feeling I get every time I ride the train..

4.) Would you be interested in shooting another roll?
I plan on buying a second camera in the next couple of days!

5.) Is there anything else we could include or introduce to make the experience more interesting?
Nothing that I can think of!

6.) Did you enjoy the aspect of shooting a selfie?
I like the idea of each person doing the project to take one, but I generally don’t like taking photos of myself, and this one came out awful, haha.

7.) What did you think of the outcomes when you saw the final photos?
I felt some came out blurry and grainy, some looked better than others, but thats a risk you gotta take.

8.) Would you approach the concept differently if you had another go?
Next time around I want to ration the photos more, I took so many the first day I got it and was super worried I was gonna just use them all up.

9.) Would you enter into the concept if it was set up in a competition format with prizes to be won?
I would, but I wouldn’t feel super confident about it.

10.) Would you like to see your photos presented in a gallery exhibition environment.
Yes! I always have wanted to.

11. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I had a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to do it again.

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